The most advantageous delivery route, on the basis of our cooperation with colleagues in Europe and the Baltics.
Road, sea and air transportation services to / from more than 20 countries.
Warehouse services, customs services,cargo Insurance.
Company AV LOGISTIC is engaged in cargo delivery "from door to door." It includes the order acceptance by the customer, transport and delivery to the customer's door. We are working in accordance with the CMR Convention. According to customer needs we also offer other services related to the supply of goods - goods warehousing, cargo bundling of customs procedures and documentation contracted cargo insurance.!
We provide express delivery of goods on vans up to 3.5 tons total weight, with a payload of 10 pallets and 1000kg, which allows us to deliver your cargo from any point in Europe in a short period of time. We also offer the option to book a separate cargo van with GPS tracking.
We work with Italy, Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, France, the Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Spain, Portugal, Great Britain, deliver cargos from Russia.
Consolidated and full cargo delivery, as far as possible in the shortest time. Load up to a maximum of 82 to 120 cubic / m, weight up to 24 tonnes.
From AV LOGISTIC terminals in Italy, Spain, UK groupage consignments are delivered to Riga 1 once a week, but from Poland 3-4 times a week. Full loads supply on request.
At the request of transported cargo with temperature control.
Stable and quality services , according to the transport rates. Product warehousing. Cargo insurance. Our partner - the insurance company IF Latvia ( Assistance in organizing the documentation and customs procedures.
The company was founded in 2006 and is ready to offer you a wide range of road transport and forwarding services. Competitiveness and the quality is guaranteed by our network of partners in Europe, flexible price policy and loyal attitude to you - our customers, guaranteeing you all kinds of cargo delivery to the recipient's door. It is important for us , that the customer or partner , get the lowest cargo delivery price and the highest service for a compound or a full cargo delivery to / from Europe, Scandinavia or the CIS countries .
We operate the logistics and forwarding industry for more than 10 years, earning a secure and stable partner's reputation. Our company employs a young and energetic team. Our employees are professionals in their field - young, but won a good experience and proper education.
Our goal is - to be one of the best in their field, as well as make your life easier and work - more efficient. We provide a full range of services at the highest level. The transmission of all types of cargo: FCL, PCL and gauge cargo. We provide cargo delivery to / from more than 20 of the Baltic, Scandinavia and other European countries, as well as the delivery of cargoes from Russia and CIS countries. We offer a full package of services, individual approach to your transportation needs and optimal solutions.
offer transportation sevices since 2006
tons of cargo shipped in 2025
warehouse premises worldwide
Loģistikas pakalpojumu uzņēmums SIA „Av Logistic” sekmīgi strādā kravu pārvadājumu tirgū kopš 2006.gada. 10 gadu laikā uzņēmums ir pierādījis sevi, kā uzticamu partneri un sasniedzis augstu novērtējumu un reputāciju kravu pārvadājumu tirgū. Paplašinoties uzņēmuma darbībai, mēs meklējam jauno kolēģi savam draudzīgajam kolektīvām:
Darba pienākumi:
Aktīva jauno klientu piesaiste
Ilgtermiņa attiecību veidošana un uzturēšana ar klientiem
Līdzdalība uzņēmuma pārdošanas stratēģijas izstrādē un tās realizācija
Prezentāciju un komercpiedāvājumu sagatavošana
Darījumu noslēgšana
Informācijas apstrāde un datu ievade sistēmā
Cieša ikdienas sadarbība, ar loģistikas nodaļu
Prasības kandidātiem:
Pieredze pārdošanā vismaz 0-2 gadi (pieredze loģistikas pakalpojumu pārdošanā tiks uzskatīta par priekšrocību)
Labas organizātoriskas un komunikācijas spējas
Biznesa komunikācijas prasmes
Personīgas īpašības: neatlaidība, vēlme strādāt un sasniegt rezultātus
Teicamas latviešu, krievu un angļu valodas zināšanas
Labas datora zināšanas (Ms Office, Internet)
Mēs piedāvājam:
Draudzīgu kolektīvu
Konkurentspējīgu atalgojumu
Izaugsmes un profesionālās attīstības iespējas
Komfortablu darba vidi
Dalību dažādos uzņēmuma pasākumos
CV un pieteikumu vēstules lūdzam sūtīt uz e-pastu:
Sazināsimies ar tiem kandidātiem, kuri tiks izvirzīti nākamajai atlases kārtai.
Order acceptance by e-mail or fax - you can place an order at any time convenient for you!